Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Research Project - Weekend Assignment

Dear A2 class:

You have begun the process of collecting the information which will be later used to write the paper. You may have found interesting references so far, or perhaps not. Maybe you have been able to locate an interesting book or article related to your topic.

Over the weekend, you can post on your blog some comments on this experience of collecting your future references.

- Are you experiencing problems locating interesting sources of information?
- Has your experience been positive so far? Are there any frustrations?
- What suggestions would you want to share with at least two other classmates on this process of collecting your references?

This activity will give you the opportunity to reflect in this stage of collecting the information, and perhaps give you a chance to interact with other classroom partners. I will be reading your blogs over the weekend.

Feel free to print your blog and bring it to class for discussion next Monday, July 14th.


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